Monday, November 10, 2008

Tea and Roses and Dreams Come True

On Saturday, I spent a most wonderful day at the Huntington Library with my husband Bruce, our son Jason and his wonderful wife Georgette.

It was splendid.

We had lunch in the Rose Tea Room

blog post photo
And wandered through the spectacular gardens

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But it was the thought behind the afternoon that will always stay with me.

When I decided to go back to school and finish my degrees in late 90's, I was sent on one of those ghastly field trips to the Huntington. The purpose of the trip eludes me now...but the goal I set does not.

When I was there, I found out that there was a Scholar's Library that you must be a ...well, you must be a scholar in order to request admission. As I stood there with my ten little community college credits grasped tightly in my heart, I promised myself that I would one day gain access.

And now I have.

My family remembered.

And I will never forget that they did.

Thank you.

The Plod Quickens

I can plod. I can persevere in any definite pursuit. To this I owe everything.

William Carey

I have a cold.

I am rather fond of this cold because I got it from my granddaughter when I was carrying her about on Halloween.

I will probably even miss the sniffles when they go away because they are a little attachment to her across the miles.

As much as I would like to snuggle in my reading chair, sipping herbal tea and feeling cozy in a robe with my tissues close at hand- life goes on, and the cold will simply have to join me on my daily rounds.

And so off I go…on a

walk…one foot in front of the other for my daily dose of three miles.

grumble grumble sniffle sniffle

I have to do it...I don't have to like it

I guess it is a metaphor for life.

When there is something to be done…and you know what it is....then best to be doing it.

Today, as you plod and persevere, my sniffles and I salute you.