Sunday, July 26, 2009


Through no fault of my own, I have to teach my criminal justice students how to shoot.
This brings up several problems.

One: I cannot shoot a gun- this by the way is a cultivated ignorance as stopping someone's life by inserting a bullet in to the interior of their body and thereby destroying vital organs has never been a goal of mine.

Two: I do not like guns. This is not a moral decision. I do not like golf clubs, weedeaters or electric razors either. I am an equal opportunity "don't liker".

Three: This is supposed to be a course in Criminal Justice and, unless we have reverted to the Wild West...I do not get it. But the students get a kick out of it- and that worries me even more!

But, those who write curriculum for my school felt the need to invest vast quantities of cash in a life size video game that is supposed to teach students how to decide when to shoot- so there you have it

When the Rangemaster from a local police department came in to train me, and I saw him virtually gun down the first fifteen year old who was holding other kids hostage, my first reaction was: Wait! I want to talk to him! I want to find our why he is so angry.

This is going to be interesting....bang bang.