Monday, January 26, 2009


So, I got a post card in the mail today telling me sorry, but a magazine to which I subscribed was no longer being published as of this month- but not to worry- they had taken it upon themselves to choose another magazine for me, and the balance of my money was being transferred and I should start receiving this new magazine any old day now.

Excuse me?

An examination of the offending post card gave me no contact number (imagine my shock)- simply a P O Box somewhere in Florida.

Feeling my investigative juices starting to flow....I began.
Digging out an old copy of the now defunct publication, I did indeed find a phone number (let me state here, by the way, that the customer service website was "down for repairs"....uh huh.....)
The first call got me a very pleasant young man named Rob who told me in no uncertain terms that there was absolutely, positively nothing he could do for me- but here was an 800 number I was free to call.

I cut Sir Rob some slack since my unfortunate post card proclaiming the end of my mag probably translated in to a pink slip for him.

Undaunted, I called the 800 number, where Rob assured me I would find a humanoid and- after pressing 0 many times to by-pass the rather insulting recording (do they really think I do not know there is a website with "all my answers") I make the vocal acquaintance of Ms. Brenda. I explain to Ms. Brenda that, with all due respect, I do not want her magazine. Ms. Brenda pulls up my account- which is already in her hands with all my information including my credit card even though I have never authorized their having it!) and after enough information to clear me for a State Department credential, somewhat grudgingly says that my $19.95 refund will be at my door in 3-4 weeks. I thank her, and think to ask for some sort of confirmation number before we take life down our separate paths.

Sigh of relief.
I mean, you have to get a bit of control where you can, right?

Men In Trees

I read a news story today in our local paper about a homeless man being found dead by the side of the road not very far from my safe and quiet neighborhood.

This is not the first time that there have been reports of homeless men found dead in the area, but this one stopped me so still and chilled me so thoroughly I wonder if I will ever be the same.
It seems this man- and many others- are living up in the branches of the tamarisk trees on the road that runs along the freeway.

What shocked me even more was that the police community affairs officer said that the city knew they were there.

So...let me get this straight- in a Valley that has just spent thousands of dollars to promote an art festival, a film festival and the Bob Hope Classic golf tournament- we have people living in trees; we know about it; and we just go about our daily lives?

Who are we?