I do not have a lot of fears. OK…you will never catch me on a cable car climbing up the side of a mountain.
But my true fear does not lie in concern for personal safety, or even in missing the half yearly sale at Nordstroms.
My real fear has always been of being a cliché’.
Of being ordinary.
Of being just average.
Of course, it has taken me some maturity to realize that there is no “average” person; that we are all unique and molded by life in different ways for different reasons.
Maturity has also shown me that my uniqueness does not come from an address, or clothes or income.
If I truly want to be unique- if you truly want to be uncommon- try being positive.
I have an assignment for you. Watch faces and conversations on the street, in restaurants, in cars- wherever you go today.
You will see people grinding axes…grinding their teeth….grinding away.
They are focused on what is wrong, who is wrong, and how it is wrong.
Common. Very, very common.
When I lived in LA, I always lived in the hills. It was important to me to be “above it all”. God had to bring me below sea level to show me that the real heights are all in my mind- and that is “the above it all” where I want to live.
Join me?