I live a small life.
It is not that it is not meaningful
But it is meaningful in small ways.
I mean..... night times never find me cutting million dollar deals at an Upper East Side restaurant in New York
And I yet to find a book I wrote on any list at all.
I don’t send diplomats to Syria or soldiers to Afghanistan
I teach…I walk my dog…I love my family.
But there are days like today when I am glad that my life has some open space. Today, I was able to hang out with 150 and kids at a place called Angel Light Academy.
These were kids who may have the odds stacked against them, but they are ready to take on the world.
They worked together today on the tough questions in their community- drugs, harassment, hate and violence.
And they looked for real life solutions for real life problems.
And gave my life more meaning as they did.