Thursday, November 20, 2008

Loaves and Wishes

The other day I read a scripture that, as often happens, I saw in a new light.

It is a story we all know.

Jesus has been teaching the multitudes; it is getting on in the day; and there is no food.

The disciples point this out to Jesus; but the question they are faced with I suspect was a surprise.

He said: How many loaves do you have?

When I read those words, I felt as though I was standing on that windy hill in Israel 2000 years ago and the question was being asked of me directly.

Each day, I tut- tut over the unemployment, the homelessness, the grief, the loss and the pain in my world. And, in my defense, each day I pray- Lord, relieve the suffering.

But now, I know His answer.

“How many loaves do you have?”