Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Watering Hole

So, have I been missing this blog, or what?
Excuse one:

got my professional website up and running

Excuse Two: been facilitating seminars and workshops all over the place
N omore excuses.

I just looked at my title of my Blogspot and it reminded me of a thought that I had earlier today.
People are not meant to live in a desert.
A desert, by its very landscape and heat and winds scream "uninhabitable".
My desert- the Coachella Valley was never meant to be lived in even by the people who came and built houses here. It was a place to get away from life- not live life.

But my very wise husband mentioned this morning also that below the surface of the desert, there is water- you just have to find it.
My friends and I are finding it- figuratively speaking.
Every time I start to chafe and long to get myself back to a big city- where the excited topic of conversation is not yet another Fresh and Easy or a Soup Plantation-I think...."you are part of a great experiment here." This place has generations and cultures; it has rich and poor; it has places of higher learning, and places of high rollers.

Maybe I will stick around and see how this place shakes out.