I spent the morning correcting papers for one of the online classes that I teach.
I was appalled at the plagiarism.
Appalled, but not surprised.
There are sites out there where you can buy papers.
Should that be?
There are students out there who are taking care of families, working two jobs and trying to go to school.
Is that a recipe for disaster?
I did what I had to do and rejected their copied work; but I did feel sorry for them.
I know that their heart is going to sink when they see the zero on their papers.
I know that they rationalized the whole thing.
But they have known about this assignment for 8 weeks!
Cheating is not new and in this fast paced world, in may seem like the only way.
But I can very defensive about academia.
I mean, there has to be a place somewhere in the world where people are not lying and there is no subterfuge, right?
These students are seeing news stories every day about how politicians and financiers lie, cheat and steal and have risen pretty far doing so.
Can you blame them for trying?
Unfortunately, I have to.
But I do feel sorry for them.