Window opened to a landscape of trees and birds fluttering on the horizon
My generation lost its innocence many years ago. Our beliefs and hope dimmed when John F Kennedy died. When Martin Luther King died. When Robert F. Kennedy died.
We grew up wary. We grew up ashamed because our African American friends were not considered "equal" in this land of the free. We grew up frustrated in a country where women made less money for the same job.
We grew up.
They threw a war and many of us died.
They elected Nixon and many of us gave us hope.
We have spent the last many years watching, listening and waiting.
And tomorrow, perhaps- just perhaps the waiting will be over.
If President Obama delivers on all his promises or not does not matter to me.
Even if the Republicans keep up their shenanigans.
There is no excuse.
We- the American people- have a chance to start again- with them or without them.
All those school kids who felt the light dim within them the day they told us Camelot had ended and John-John saluted away our history and perhaps our future at his father's grave.
All of those whose heads were bent in despair.
Lift up your light
It is a new day.
Do not throw this chance away.
I fear it may never come again.