Friday, February 13, 2009

Summa cum Sadder

Anyone got any cheese? I need it to go with this whine.

I know it seems like a little thing- and it is when you think about the really terrible things that are going on everywhere-


I am going to miss my commencement ceremony for my Doctorate,

and I am just a little bit bummed about it.
Graduation is on the east coast and that kind of trip is just not in the budget right now.
Of course, my husband offered-but he and I both know that it would be really irresponsible.
It's just that you get this cute little beret when you get your Doctorate- and these robes that look like they came from a Oxford- because they are the same design.
I was really OK about it until I got an email that they were putting my name in the commemorative program even though I would not be there.
I felt as though it was a medal being bestowed posthumously (I can be overly dramatic ....)
Well- what the heck.
Like I said- there are more important things to think about, right?