Last night, I got an email from my local American Cancer Society chairperson. It opened with an apology for being remiss in staying in touch. That was followed immediately by a desperate call for volunteers for upcoming events. I could mentally see myself ripping my shirt open a la Clark Kent revealing a huge and blazing V :


Then, I looked at my pile of work…the looming holidays….the dog with the wistful”I wanna go walking” look on her face, and the husband who pretty well depends on me as social secretary and kick-around- the- valley –hey-let’s-go-to- the-beach-buddy, the grandkids and kids I want to see, the friends who need a friend..... and I for once re-think the urge to be everywhere at once.
I have volunteered for the American Cancer Relay in Yucca Valley in April and I have promised The Girl Friend Factor some help in their great work of providing scholarships to returning students.
Gulp. That’s it?
Yup…that’s it.
Leave room for grace.
Leave room for breathing.
Leave room for others to help also.
Gee, this feels good!
Something tells me you will always don a "V". Like it or not, it is there to stay.
Can't blame a girl for hoping, amy...
Sometimes you have to say no for the sake of your sanity but I have a feeling that you may relent ... and return to the V suit
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